© RA Aggregates 2022


Guadalupe Gravel ⅜”, #57, 1 ½”, 1 ¾”, 1”-3”, 1-3”, ⅜” Premix and 1” Premix

Guadalupe Gravel 2-6”

Guadalupe Gravel 4-6”

Approximate Cubic Yards


Square or Rectangle: Length (in feet) x Width (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards Circle: 3.14 x Radius (in feet) x Radius (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards Triangle: Base (in feet) x Height (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /648 = cubic yards Oval: Length (in feet) x Width (both at midpoint in feet) x 0.8 x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards

Approximate Coverage of

Gravels, Sands and Soil

Guadalupe Gravel Oversize

Colorado Gravel

⅝”, 1 ½”, 3-5”

Texas Blend Gravel

⅝”, 1 ½”, 3-5”

Limestone Base 1 ½”

Decomposed Gravel

Trail Mix

Nueces Gravel 1”

Shadow Rock

5/8”,1”, 2”
Click here to Calculate Materials

Limestone Base ¾

to dust


Guadalupe Gravel ⅜”, #57, 1 ½”, 1 ¾”, 1”-3”, 1-3”, ⅜” Premix and 1” Premix

Guadalupe Gravel 2-6”

Guadalupe Gravel 4-6”

Approximate Cubic Yards


Square or Rectangle: Length (in feet) x Width (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards Circle: 3.14 x Radius (in feet) x Radius (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards Triangle: Base (in feet) x Height (in feet) x Depth (in inches) /648 = cubic yards Oval: Length (in feet) x Width (both at midpoint in feet) x 0.8 x Depth (in inches) /324 = cubic yards

Approximate Coverage of Gravels, Sands and


Guadalupe Gravel Oversize

Colorado Gravel

⅝”, 1 ½”, 3-5”

Texas Blend Gravel

⅝”, 1 ½”, 3-5”

Limestone Base 1 ½”

Decomposed Gravel

Trail Mix

Nueces Gravel 1”

Shadow Rock

5/8”,1”, 2”
Click here to Calculate Materials

Limestone Base ¾ to dust

© RA Aggregates 2022